Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Update on the bell peppers...lemons and watermelon

Oh...those bell peppers seeds I planted on May 20th didn’t germinate!

This is not going to discourage me. I have a green bell pepper in the fridge. As soon as I use it to cook I'll save some seeds and try again.

Even though I was not that lucky with the green peppers, there have been other successful stories of some seeds that have sprouted.

I planted 2 lemon seeds on one pot I have on my kitchen window that has a lettuce plant and they have grown. In another pot that has a papaya sprout and a lettuce I placed a watermelon seed and it germinated too!!

I'll eventually have to transplant them to another pot or directly to the soil. I'll make a note here of when I do it.

Enjoy having more different types of fruits/veggies on your garden!

Problems with my tomato plants :(

Last week I saw one of my tomato plants had all the leaves on one of its stems gone and at the top of the plant one stem totally gone. I started to give the plant a closer look and while I was touching its leaves at the top I felt a worm! A green worm the exact same color of the leaf. I was devastated! I was trying to remove it from the leave. It was not an easy task, but I finally did it!That was my natural/green approach to remove it.

I have been keeping a close eye on my tomato plants and have not seen any more worms since last week incident. However, today I found that my tomato plants are showing a white powdery mildew on their leaves.

I started searching about it and found the following information: "Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease seen on tomato plants and other vegetables. It can occur anytime during the growing season and may rob tomato plants of vitality. According to the University of Connecticut, you can try to prevent this fungus by ensuring plants have good air circulation and avoiding feeding plants too much nitrogen. Even in these cases, your tomatoes may develop this disease, and you need to treat them."
Read more: How to Get Rid of White Powdery Mildew on My Tomato Plant Leaves |

Hope to get rid of this fungus soon... My plants haven't had any tomatoes yet and don't want them to die without giving me the satisfaction of at least one tomato for a fresh salad!